Co-Create South Africa
In vijf dagen van niets naar een compleet design sterrenstelsel van plastic afval. samen met 4 andere studenten van Fontys ACI gingen we eind november naar Kaapstad om gedurende de Volvo Ocean Race samen met lokale studenten deel te nemen aan het project Co-Create South Africa. Hiermee kregen we de kans om bewustzijn te creëren rondom het plastic probleem in de oceanen.
Dit project was opgezet door het Nederlandse consulaat in zuid afrika.
Lees hier meer
#cocreatedesign #cocreatesa #TurnTheTideOnPlastic

Spaceship Earth
gemaakt in samenwerking met zuid afrikaanse student Jon-Peer Bouwer.
We are travelling through deep space on a spaceship we call Earth. She is travelling at 108.000 km/h, that is 30 km every second.
All our supplies we are ever going to have, are on board.
All our supplies we are ever going to have, are on board.
There is nowhere to stop.
Nowhere to re-fuel.
Nowhere to buy food.
And nowhere to buy more water.
There is no plan B.
Nowhere to re-fuel.
Nowhere to buy food.
And nowhere to buy more water.
There is no plan B.
All life on this planet requires water to stay alive. It's absolutely vital to keep plastic out of the ocean!
You are the captain of your own ship, how are you going to make a difference?

project recap gemaakt in samenwerking met rik vogelaars.
360° proces video.